Your zodiac sign's approach to family issues

What part do you play when family issues come up? Your participation in emotional drama is very much influenced by your sign.

If a family member has been treated unfairly, Aries immediately comes to their defense. Their anger never lasts long, and they'll soon calm everyone down.

This sign offers a sense of security when chaos reigns. However, they do get touchy if there's too much hysteria since they don't see the point in getting so emotional.

The twins will offer a marvelous array of helpful information. They dislike gushy feelings and will provide enough coolness to get everyone thinking straight again.

Cancer does all they can to restore unity if rifts appear. They'll offer snacks to keep everyone well fed throughout the disruption.

Leo is the entertainer and will attempt to get everyone to laugh. That said, they'll get upset if they're ignored and may come across as less than sympathetic.

This sign rushes around madly offering practical advice and help. They disentangle complicated situations with their analytical insight.

The Libra likes a harmonious atmosphere, so they'll do all they can to calm things down. They're exceptional listeners and can really understand what others need.

The scorpian is a rock when drama bursts onto the domestic scene. They can offer a protective shield for those who are more vulnerable in times of conflict.

The archer brings understanding to the situation. They have a broad view of most everything, and won't get distracted by trivial banter.

The goat is firmly in control. They have good answers up their sleeve and can be just what's needed to get the ship through stormy seas.

This water-bearing sign is an ideal mediator and won't get dragged into taking sides. They'll stand back and point out where everyone could be more tolerant.

An empathist extraordinaire, which can make them a great person to have nearby. That said, sometimes they close off because they fear intense drama.