Venus and effect in twelve house

Venus in House IV

If Benefic

Native will be rich but may have two wives, problems for children and wife. Native will remain sexually starved even if he keeps two wives. If native gets married two times with the same lady, this problem will be solved. The native’s wife may give birth to a child just after the marriage but she may loose her womb.

If Malefic

If Jupiter is in first house, native’s wife and mother will not have cordial relations. The inauspicious Saturn will be problematic in having a child, native may also be destroyed if involved in some love affairs. Saturn in fourth house will create miserable conditions but God’s blessings will help. Saturn in fourth house will destroy the native if he/she does any kind of wreckage. Jupiter and Ketu will also not help in such conditions.


Perform remedies for Moon. Throwing Jupiter’s articles in the well will be helpful for having a child. Never dig a well in your house. Perform remedies for Jupiter.