Vastu tips to choose the right color

Colors have the ability to pacify our mind and stimulate energy. They are associated with our emotional, intellectual, materialistic, physical and intuitive ability. The right choice of color helps in spreading the right flow of energy into the house. Quite interestingly, colors are based on directions represented by various planets.

Following are the impact of colors on our life:

Red symbolizes bravery and power. This color is dramatic, emotional and active and should not be used in bedrooms to avoid stress and related negativity.

Green is associated with nature, hope, freshness and harmony, quick healing, good and healthy environment to the household. Green color in study room rejuvenates ideas.

Blue symbolizes spring, new growth and relaxation and can be used for bedrooms or meditation room.

Yellow is all about patience and wisdom and. It represents sunlight which symbolizes power. The color is perfect for your pooja room.

Purple inspires faith, respect and trust and its lighter shade can be used for a calming environment

Orange is related to spirituality and power and encourages positivity, happiness, joy and good social relationships.

Black indicates lack of hope and confidence and gives a depressed and tensed feel. Therefore, avoid black and gray color in house.

White is what you get when you combine all the colors. This color can be used in northwest bedroom.