Vastu tips for wealth and prosperity

vastu that has power to change your life, you may also make your destiny good for better astro results. Here we are with some astro tips for home healthiness.

Vastu experts advise people to place a nameplate outside their home as it works in the favor of the owners.

Light lamps, diyas and incense at home each evening and morning. This acts as a cleanser, shooing away the negativity or any evil eye.

Build your kitchen in the south-east corner of the house. However, make sure your gas stove is placed in the south-east direction.

To Delete negatives vibes, place a lemon in a glass of water. This water needs to be changed every Saturday. This must be done religiously each week.

Proof your kitchen against all evils. You can do so by keeping medicines away from the kitchen. This is because a kitchen indicates health and happiness, and medicines indicate otherwise.

Clear your mind. To do so, meditate for at least 15-20 minutes in a day. Chanting mantras also helps calm the mind. A clear mind can help do wonders. Plus, they are known to infuse positively and good energy in the surroundings.