Vastu Colour Psychology for Home Decor

Wall color influences the mood and style and appearance of the house. Psychologists believe that colors have a huge influence on our mood too. While yellow, blue, and green colors are soothing, black and gray are elegant and sleek. Here is how color dictates the mood and vibrancy of the house.

Red: Red is a colour of passion, aggressiveness, warmth, energy and vibrancy. Different hues of red suggest warmth and boldness. Red lovers are extremely passionate about work and activity and can stampede the coming obstacles out of the way.

Green: Green represents growth, nature and relaxation. They are preferred in kitchen where you need to concentrate well. Green lovers are endearing and believe in love and romance.

Blue: Blue signifies tranquility and contentment and is generally preferred for larger areas. Blue lovers are gentle people. They are calm and serious by nature.

Yellow: Yellow represents boldness, happiness and optimism. It is the most natural and powerful colour that provide freshness and gaiety. Yellow lovers love to go with the flow.

Purple: Purple notifies luxury, dignity and nobility and is perfect for the guest room or living room. Purple lovers are self centered. But on the plus side they remain cool and composed.

White: White signifies cleanliness, virtue, purity, spaciousness and innocence. It goes well in master bedroom. White lovers like privacy and hardly intimate with people.