Love compatibility for Gemini: Best and worst

Geminis love to talk and interact. They are also the social butterflies of the zodiac, as well as natural intellectuals who love to learn new things almost as much as they love to chat about them with their friends. Gemini is naturally curious as well, preferring to live a life that is full of fun, wit, and vitality. A Gemini sees life as one big, endless learning experience to question and analyze to their hearts content. Here are the best and worst relationship matches for Gemini zodiac sign.

Best relationship matches for Gemini zodiac sign

Gemini and Libra
This is a match that can definitely be said to be the ideal partnership. Gemini and Libra natives are not only intellectual matches who love to socialize and communicate, but they also share a love of art, culture, and fun. They also understand each other perfectly when it comes to their sex life, and neither sign has a problem with jealousy. Their union will be one that is warm and open, easily standing the test of time.

Gemini and Aquarius
The Aquarius man could work well with Gemini. Both are social, enjoy witty communication, and need freedom in their lives to learn. The Water-bearer usually provides the grounding for the relationship. The lasting factor here will be if Gemini is flexible and agrees with futuristic and yet unyielding ideas of this air sign.

Gemini and Aries
An Aries-Gemini match is an astrology love match that will be full of activity, verve, and vitality, as both signs possess an excess of drive and energy that they will delight in expressing together. Aries's flare for leadership and great things is complimented by Gemini's natural ingenuity, and the two will find even more common ground in their profound mutual love of knowledge and learning.

Worst relationship matches for Gemini zodiac sign

Gemini and Pisces
Pisces natives are extremely sensitive, and as such, they do not tend to do well when paired with Gemini's sometime tendency to be careless and fickle. As a result, Pisces is easily hurt and is just too sensitive and broody for fun-loving, playful Gemini. The result is often a relationship that is full of miscommunication, mistrust, and instability with little chance of success or harmony.

Gemini and Virgo
Intellectually, this match can be stimulating at first. Both of you are ruled by Mercury, and while airy Gemini can see the common ground in seemingly unrelated things, the discerning earthy Virgo man notices the differences instead. However, when this translates to every day Virgo can seem preachy or nitpicky. This is not Gemini's style.

Gemini and Scorpio
Scorpio's tendency to focus on the betterment of the self, as well as it's love of privacy, has a tendency to clash wildly with Gemini's strong need to be social and focus its energies outward instead. Gemini's superficial and light-hearted approach to life will no doubt cause problems when mixed with Scorpio's brooding, inflexible intensity. If the two can learn to speak each other's languages, then Scorpio's dynamism could be good when paired with Gemini's ingenuity, but this is difficult if not impossible to achieve.