Lal Kitab has gained a wide popularity in the recent  years. It is an old book though not very old, which was written in Urdu. It deals with astrology with special emphasis on remedial solutions which more often than not, appear unusual and even bizzare to a lay man with a scientific temper. The origin as well as the authorship of the Red Book is shrouded in mystery. There are many tips by the great book, which can surely bring positive change in your life try them:

Household articles, things which have not been used for several years  should be disposed of.  Your house as well as work place / office  must be free from all  clutter.  Keep it neat and clean. This remedy is highly beneficial in removing the bad effects of Rahu.

Take your lunch and dinner while sitting in your kitchen and when the fire is still burning.   This will lessen the evil effect of Dragon's Head or Rahu.  Avoid eating while you are sitting on your bed.

Give due respect to old people, saints, your father and monks and don't ever mock at them.
Seek their blessings. This will help Jupiter and it will start giving good results.

You should feed monkeys for improvement in finacial condition, cows for better conjugal relations with your wife, crows and fish for better financial and health conditions. So doing this frequently will improve your domestic happiness, financial prospects and remove obstacles in general.