Know the channeling of your POWER CHAKRAS!!

In the astrological world each of the chakras is associated with or is governed by a different planet. On an energetic level the astrological chart is a map of not only the inter-relationship of the planets but a map of the inter-relationship and condition of the chakras. In essence, we have our own inner solar system that guides the evolution of our consciousness through the various chakra centers. By understanding the planetary quality of each chakra we can use specific forms of music, vibration and movement to awaken and open each chakra and energize ourselves.

The first chakra, located at the base of the spine, is associated with the planet Saturn. Astrologically, Saturn represents our ability to ground ourselves so that we can materialize our dreams. Not enough Saturn in our lives leaves us ungrounded and unable to support ourselves. For some, too little Saturn makes it hard to create a sense of strong boundaries and center. Too much Saturn, however, and we can hold onto the material plane too much and resist change because of insecurity and fear. One of the ways to heal the first chakra is through connecting with the energies of the earth . Walking barefoot, doing yoga and drumming are all ways of tuning into the lower frequencies of the first chakra. Drumming, in particular, is an effective way of opening and awakening the first chakra. When we drum we often hold the drum between our legs which directly connects with the first chakra at the base of the spine. By tuning into the lower frequencies of the drum we not only energize ourselves but also become more present and in our bodies.

The second chakra, governed by Jupiter, is located in the pelvic or genital region of the body. The second chakra has to do with issues of creativity and sexuality and how we channel our fundamental life force energy and emotions. The key to awakening the energy of the second chakra, then, is to get our instinctual energy moving and open and expand the range of pelvic movement. One of the best ways I’ve found to accomplish this is through free form dancing or African dance forms. Several years ago I had a guest African dancer in my Astrology of the Chakras class and she explained that many of the movements of African dance are actually meant to facilitate the opening of the various chakras.

The third chakra, located at the solar plexus or “hara” is the seat of our personal power. Mars, the planet associated with personal will and Pluto, the planet associated with collective will, are the co-rulers of the third chakra. The issues of the third chakra have to do with power, control, trusting our gut level instincts, and our sense of personal empowerment. Music can be a particularly powerful medium for opening the third chakra as it is a non-verbal form of communication that by-passes the cognitive mind and directly impacts our deepest emotions. Many people who feel they have to control their emotions find themselves being moved to tears by evocative music. Finding music that moves you, whether emotionally or physically is a way of accessing the deeper emotions of anger, grief and rage that are often trapped in the third chakra. As these emotions are uncovered and allowed expression, the third chakra can then blossom and the energy that has been channeled into control can now be re-routed into more fulfilling forms of self expression and creativity.

The fourth chakra, located around the heart and lungs, is governed by the planet Venus. Venus represents what we value, what we are passionate about and our capacity to share our love unconditionally. I also assign “higher” rulership of the fourth chakra to the planet Neptune, as it is Neptune that represents the process of transcending our own individuality and merging with spirit or divine love.

The fourth chakra is the bridge between the lower and higher chakras. It has been said that our western culture primarily relates to the issues of the first three chakras; money, sex and power.

The key to healing the heart chakra is through the development of compassion, devotion, and a sense of connection with others. Music, in the form of devotional singing, can open the heart and decrease feelings of separation.

The fifth chakra, located in the throat region, is governed by Mercury, the planet representing all forms of communication and Chiron, the planet representing the mentor/teacher archetype. It is through the fifth chakra that we develop personal expression and the ability to create our own reality.

Healing the fifth chakra is imperative if we want to open to the intuitive awareness that comes from the sixth and seventh chakras. If the fifth chakra is blocked we may be overly mental and not open to the subtle intuitive information that is constantly being channeled through the higher centers. In terms of healing modalities, singing is one of the best methods for opening the fifth chakra. Since many people with fifth chakra blockages have literally “lost their voice”, the greatest way to reclaim our voice is to vibrate it with sound! Chanting sacred mantras such as OM is also beneficial as OM is seen as the fundamental, or primordial sound of the universe.

The sixth chakra, located in the middle of the forehead between the eyes, is co- ruled by the Sun and the Moon. The sixth chakra is associated with our higher mental abilities of introspection, self-examination, perception and intuition. Traditionally, the sixth chakra is seen as having two poles. The moon pole, located at the medulla, is where receive the “breath of god” or universal energy.

Lastly, we reach the seventh chakra, located at the top or crown of the head. The crown chakra is viewed as another point of entry of life force energy and represents our connection with universal consciousness. I associate the seventh chakra with the planet Uranus, as it is Uranus that represents the universal current of energy that nourishes mind, body and spirit.

If we have blockages in the seventh chakra this may manifest as low life force energy, disbelief that we can be supported by the universe, or feeling disconnected from a sense of meaning or direction in our lives. The interesting thing about the seventh chakra is that it is the polar opposite of the first chakra so we can open it from “above” or “below”. Pranayama or breathing practices help to open the seventh by expanding our capacity to channel energy through the top of the head. As we expand our capacity to channel energy we can withstand more aliveness moving through our bodies without resistance.