Know more about your Sign-Aries

There are a total of twelve different zodiac signs, each of which divide the sky into roughly 30 degree segments. Each one of the twelve signs holds unique and fascinating properties which influence on our lives in different ways. While people typically refer to each one of these signs as their "sign", the correct term is "sun sign" -- which is the constellation through which our sun was moving on the day we were born. While our sun signs are indeed very important parts of our astrological profile, one should remember that they are only generalizations.

Aries Personality Profile:

An air of energy and vitality surrounds the Aries individual. Always pushing forward and filled with a desire to live life to the fullest -- Arians (as they are called) are a dynamic bunch. Those born under the astrological sign of Aries are comfortable with the ideas of risk and adventure -- so much so, that they may not even realize when they are taking risks or embarking on projects that would seem intimidating to others.

Aries at Work:

The pioneering spirit of Aries lends itself strongly to the professional attributes of leadership and entrepreneurial drive. While others may seek comfort and security in the workplace -- Aries individuals frequently tire of such positions and seek more stimulating roles with dynamic and fast-paced teams. Arians are not afraid to "think big", and they are frequently "idea people". The finer points of day-to-day operations may slip by them because they remain focused on greater goals, concepts and ideas.

Aries in Love:

Aries people tend to put themselves "first". While this may seem to be a negative trait in some relationships, it often translates into a desire to achieve success "as a couple". Aries relationships can be very affectionate and loving -- and their infinite energy can provide a wellspring of passion and love for long stretches of time. Aries individuals are often very comfortable with the idea of monogamy and long-term relationships -- but those relationships typically conform to the Aries desire to live life to the fullest. Arians can become vindictive and angry when a relationship goes bad -- and they typically take longer to forgive, and experience a longer recovery period than many other signs.