Know more about your Sign- Capricorn

There are a total of twelve different zodiac signs, each of which divide the sky into roughly 30 degree segments. Each one of the twelve signs holds unique and fascinating properties which influence on our lives in different ways. While people typically refer to each one of these signs as their "sign", the correct term is "sun sign" -- which is the constellation through which our sun was moving on the day we were born. While our sun signs are indeed very important parts of our astrological profile, one should remember that they are only generalizations.

Capricorn Personality Profile:
While other signs are given to flights of fancy and daydreams, Capricorns always have their feet on the ground. One of the most stable signs in the zodiac, Capricorns are capable of exercising enormous discipline when they need to. Capricorns are also great listeners, and because they are enormously patient they can spend long hours listening to the stories and lives of others. This special Capricorn trait gives Capricorns great insight into other people's lives, traditions and personal histories. Capricorns tend to be very cultured and knowledgeable about the world and culture as a whole.

Capricorns care a great deal about their personal appearance and how they are perceived. They are usually very neatly dressed, or very stylish -- often with a keen sense of fashion and style.

Capricorns have "big" personalities. They tend to be generous, interesting and tactful. They are always patient and have an air of wisdom about them.

Capricorn at Work:
Capricorns are very ambitious people, and with their innate people-skills, immaculate presentation and natural smarts, they tend to do well in the workplace. Because they are immensely patient and restrained, Capricorns tend to perform especially well in high-stress environments that would be difficult for other signs to handle.

Capricorns also do extremely well in management roles, where juggling multiple personality types, and exercising extreme patience are required.

Capricorn in Love:
While Capricorn is very pragmatic in most areas of life -- this is sometimes less true in matters of the heart, where Capricorns can exhibit unusual jealousies. Capricorns make great lovers. In relationships they are very attentive, and very patient at all times. But suggest to a Capricorn that the relationship may be in trouble, and that Capricorn jealousy will bubble up to the surface and begin to boil.

Domestically, many Capricorns are "neat freaks", always insisting on cleanliness and perfection. Depending on who a Capricorn is partnered with, this can make for a perfect home, or lots of disagreements.