How to use Feng Shui Tips for Travel

Safe and happy travel is a dream of many who are regular with official, family or personal tours.

General Tips for Safe Journey
1. Keep 6 Peacock Feathers in your car to protect you from accidents and people with bad intentions.
2. Hang a replica of any Auspicious Bird in your car to give you safe travelling
3. Place Laughing Buddha on your dashboard so as to help you stress free travelling.
4. For business trip, carry a Conch Shell to give you excellent travel and business luck from abroad.
5. Carry a Symbol of Longevity with you for personal safety and protection against harmful energies.
6. Before you travel, hold a curved knife in front of you and swipe it from left to right three times. Doing so dispels bad energy from all the ten directions.

Special Tip:

Carry a Mystic Knot in your car or handbag. If you face any of the following situations, rub your mystic knot and make wishes in the following situations:

1. When you can’t find a parking space.
2. When you are stuck in a traffic jam.
3. When you feel you are in some kind of danger.
4. When you are walking alone.