How to decor your home with the help of Feng shui tips

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese art for decorating your home. This art helps you spread positive energy in your house and work place. Feng Shui is nurturing the eastern part of the world for 3000 years. After winning laurels from the eastern part of the world, this art has now stepped into the western and other parts of the world. As per Feng Shui, some changes in the arrangement of your home and its decoration can make your life stress-free. These important changes can make you happier.Here are some tips for decorating your home with feng shui.

Your Bedroom
Place the bed within view of the door and windows, close off the closet and bathroom, and avoid hanging anything heavy above or over the bed. Placing three or nine bright plants in your bedroom can help you feel more spicy between the sheets.

Your Desk
Make sure your back isn't facing the door so you can accept positive energy. Keep your desk neat and tidy; try incorporating purple, an energizing color, around your space. While this may seem surprising, the color black is great for careers and money, and can also help promote creativity. Don't forget flowers or houseplants. Include a few personal mementos to connect you to those you love - it will promote an energized and more focused mindset while working.

Your Closets
Having a hard time feeling settled in your bedroom? It could be your closet! Closets should be neat, tidy, well-organized and hidden behind doors. Try leaving empty space to promote flow of energy.

Your Living Room
Your living room should be warm, inviting and a reflection of your personal style. Include artwork, photos, and family heirlooms to welcome others into your space. Opt for as much natural lighting as possible, and avoid overhead lighting, which can make the energy feel too harsh.

Your Kitchen
Keep your kitchen neat and orderly. Introduce energizing colors, greenery or plants to add life to the room. You should feel like the center of mission control at the stove, so try to arrange it so you face the entryway while you cook. If this isn't possible, hanging a mirror or other reflective item over the stove can help redirect energy.

Your Bathroom
Bathrooms are a space for cleansing and purifying your body and mind. Keep it clean and tidy, avoid clutter and use soothing colors like different shades of blue, which according to feng shui principles holds yin energy, promoting a feeling of peace and calm.