Tips to Get Through Breakup for each Zodiac

Moving on after a break up is the hardest thing to do. We all wish there was a special tip or trick or even answer from astrology to get over the heart break. Have you ever wondered if there was a special tip or trick or even answer from astrology on how to get through it better? Well astrology holds several tips based on your zodiac sign to get through a breakup. Here are a few of them:

For Air Signs Aquarius, Libra and Gemini

After a breakup, do not head out with the intention of meeting your soul mate, but head out into the crowds with the intention of feeling better. Getting around people, especially people that care about you and want to see you happy will make you feel better. Get out there and use your incredible communication skills and show the world just how awesome you are.

For Water Signs Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio

After a breakup, you will be tempted to retreat to your caves and your shells with your proverbial boxes of tissues. This is not a bad idea but this plan is not going to help you create the new beginnings you want. Go out in the world and pay it a little visit. You won’t be ready to love again and launch those new beginnings until you are feeling cleansed from the inside out.

For Earth Signs Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo

Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo like being secure and stable and therefore breakups are a huge deal. Do not be rushing into anything heated or emotionally charged during this period. Slow and steady is going to win the race for you.

For Fire Signs Sagittarius, Leo and Aries

There is a lot of heat and passion still burning. But the relief is breakups are only painful for a short time. You may or may not get back together. If you do, the new beginning will seem refreshed and rebooted and if not there is another new beginning ahead. Be positive.