Follow Vastu Shastra to cure Depression

Anxiety and depression is an outcome of the flow of the negative energy that dwells around us. Houses constructed with Vastu Shastra guidelines is immune to most negativity and help its residents live at peace. Stresses that we deal with everyday can be negated to a large extent by our living space arrangement. Here are common vastu tips that will help you cure depression and anxiety.

The Entrance

The main entrance of a house should never face the West and North-West directions as it leads to depression. Also painting the entrance white helps overcome most negativity.


Avoid painting blue in South and red or orange color in North East portion of the house as they generate negative thinking and low self confidence.

Mirror Placement

If a mirror is placed on the western wall in between West and North-West directions, it creates a feeling of failure. Remove it or simply cover it with a piece of cloth.

The Kitchen

If the kitchen is placed in North East corner of the house, it weakens the fire in the body and results in weakening of self-confidence and negative thinking. If it is already there, use green stone in the kitchen to balance the negativity.

The Bedroom

The bedroom should not face the West or North-West, South or South-West corner. However, if it is already in this corner, paint the room cream to negate the negativity. Also keep yellow flower vase in the bedroom.