Connecting link between Hinduism and Islam

Bharatvarsha as explained in the Purans included today’s Australia, Egypt, Europe, Africa and Confederation of Russia. And Hinduism was in practice from back then. In Hinduism OM is considered as the consciousness in sound form. 786 on the other hand is believed as the number of Allah.

The syllable OM has more than 10000 meanings and one of it is God. Some believe that the number 786 is OM. OM is the consciousness in the sound form and sound is nothing but a frequency. Energy in the form of vibration has some frequency.

786 is sacred to Muslims from Asia. The number is believed to be the symbolic representation of Allah. If Bismillaah al-Rahmaan al-Raheem is written in Arabic/ Urdu, the sum of these letters adds up to 786. However 786 is not mentioned in the Quran.

Relation between 786 and OM

While Sanskrit is written from left to right, Urdu is written from right to left. If we create a mirror image of 786 in Urdu, the letters will resemble to Om. It clearly depends on how one interprets it, whether as 786 or OM.

The holy number 21

If we add 7, 8 and 6, it sums up to 21. 21 is again interpreted as a holy number i.e. end of duality in Hinduism. 21 is also mentioned in the Bible.

Also it takes 21 days to form a pineal gland in the baby in the womb of a mother. It is the same point where third eye chakra is indicated where the human consciousness lies.

Disclaimer: This post only mentions what followers believe and does not intend to hurt the sentiments of any individual, community, sect or religion.